Pestilent Princess – Nothing.

FFO: Withered, Vermin Womb, Fuming Mouth

My friend Adaline G. of Static Ritual Recordings has really been showing off her talents with all the music projects she has, and one of those projects is Pestilent Princess, which brings an intense audio assault of blackened hardcore/post doom into the ears of listeners! Her latest release Nothing. is enough to engulf even the brightest of our surroundings into what feels like pitch blackness.

Bandcamp link:

Each track on this EP each has its share of grittiness, yet it sets the listener on a journey that gets progressively darker. “Inevitable Outcomes” is a brilliant way to set the mood, then “She Dies..” adds more doom to the sound. “Grey Sun,” gives us some of the rawest harsh vocals you’ll ever hear, and “Feel Something” closes the EP on a dark yet somewhat melodic note. Nothing. is definitely something to listen to if you’re in the mood for something depressive, and also very expressive!

Spotify link: