Basil’s Kite – Shooting Tsars

FFO: The Dillinger Escape Plan, Heavy Heavy Low Low, The Callous Daoboys

Late last year, Dark Trail Records welcomed a new addition to their roster, Basil’s Kite from Dharawal Country, Australia! This band brings a style of mathcore that helps them stand out from every other band in the scene, and their new album Shooting Tsars is proof of that.

In Shooting Tsars, Basil’s Kite show the listeners that they can specialize in the calm and the chaotic in one release. “Baroque Obama” introduces the album in a harmony, and the calm side is heard again in songs like “Bak Vark” and “Castaway.” We get more of the chaotic side in songs like “Sun Is Smiling,” “Bi-Curious George,” and “Baby.” Lyrically, it’s all over the place—one moment you hear a nod to Gwen Stefani (Yep, you read that right!), another moment you hear of a childhood trauma, then you’ll even hear a song about waiting on a train. It’s definitely an album that convinces listeners around the globe that this is what mathcore is all about: showing off your uniqueness and having fun with it! It’s worth checking out for sure!

Link to Spotify: